Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is the best method for painting cement or cinder blocks?

Was thinking about painting the foundation of my house and just wanted some good advice from people who have done this.What is the best method for painting cement or cinder blocks?
brush or roller is fine. It will take a couple of coats. The cinder block is porous and will suck in the paint.What is the best method for painting cement or cinder blocks?
spray it, rent a commercial sprayer
Large sponge...

Do your first coat water down just a bit and then the second coat strait paint.
use a good primer and the best paint you can afford. I perfer just covering it with stone. they sell a fake stone that will add value to the house.
pressure wash, apply a coat of masonry primer and top coat with two coats acrylic latex paint. do not thin.

Thomas the painter
you can either brush or roller the paint on. Remember the surface of unpainted cement / concrete is porous. So you will need to apply a few layers of primer before applying a top coat. Any brand of masonry paint will get the job done. Good Luck
Use a mini roller with a large nap. Maybe 3/4 inch. And use good paint, like Sherwin Willams Duration. Well worth the money.

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