Sunday, February 21, 2010

How do I get spray paint off cement?

I spray painted a lamp in my garage and now i have a circle on the cement. How do i get it off with out using one of those power spayers?How do I get spray paint off cement?

I bought it at the Sherwin-Williams paint store.

It worked BETTEr than I had dreamed!How do I get spray paint off cement?
a solvent paint thinner, gasoline, nail polish remover, if you can sniff it to get high it will get rid of the paint the solvents will eat away at the paint to make it clean so spread some solvents on it then let it sit for a couple of hours and wipe it off
I got some first graders who can do it. I painted stars on my cement gym floor because I teach p.e. Within 3 weeks the first graders had all the stars scratched up off the floor. I'll send them over.
You can put muriatic acid on with a pump sprayer and pressure wash it off. Works like a charm!!
gasoline and a stiff brush

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