Sunday, February 21, 2010

I want to resurface my cement porch, can I add white paint to the cement to make it whiter?

Use a concrete stain, I've been using the Bher with silicone for the past 10 yrs for clients and it's a very good product (about the only one) Good luck Les the painter, you should also power wash it first get all the mildew and residue offI want to resurface my cement porch, can I add white paint to the cement to make it whiter?
You are resurfacing with CEMENT? Are you sure you are resurfacing?

If so, there are mixes you can add for color. Not just stains anymore, and the paint would have to match the base for the cement. If you know what add-mix is, you can match that, and shouldn't have problems. If you are not a cement contractor, who knows the properties of cement, I would be very careful. It sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Best of luck.I want to resurface my cement porch, can I add white paint to the cement to make it whiter?
use white cement instead of normal if u want a white finish and lasting too
There is a cement overlay system that is 3/8 in thick. You can apply other colors to it, however, it is naturally white as snow. It is designed to be a molecular overlay system with polymeres and modifiers giving it tinsel strength capable of vehicle traffic. It is not expensive and is relatively easy to apply. My supplier is on my personal page you can see some of finished product using this overlay. My page is finishtouchenterprises .

If surecrete does not have a distributor near you there will be a supplier of architechural concrete products near you. These products can not be found at home depot or lowes..

Good luck with your project.
Use pigment, not paint. White may be a challenge. You may have to coat finished product with an epoxy.

God Bless

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