Sunday, February 21, 2010

How to paint cement......?

Hey guys, i have a quick question..

There are house numbers on the side of the curb in front of my house... and the paint is starting to chip, and come off. I was wondering is there any special type of paint that i need to use for concrete? or can i just use the white paint i use to paint our outdoor ledges, etc?

Thanks :)

Best answer 10 points.How to paint cement......?
use whatever paint you want to. the worse thing if that you will have to repaint it ever year.

so what??

just make a template so each year it will be easy to repaint to numbers.

i would just get a good spray paint and plan on redoing it each year.How to paint cement......?
First you need to clean the concrete with a power washer and maybe even some concrete etcher like muriatic acid. There are special paints and primers that are meant to stain concrete. If you want the paint to last for years then you'll want to use the paints meant for concrete. It is available at Home Depot and Lowe's.
There is a Special paint for concrete flooring that hols up to a lot of abuse. If your number is flaking really bad I would wire brush off the loose stuff and make/get a stencil and redo the number
i would use an enamel oil based it will stand the weather longer then the house paint.

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